I wrote this script to help me easily import all (61) of my putty sessions into MidpSSH for the BlackBerry 8830 I use. Props to whoever wrote the unicode handling code for perl. I know about Parse::Win32Registry, but I didn't want to have it as adependency. NOTES: MidpSSH sorts sessions by case (upper first) and then alphabetically. Keep that in mind when importing your sessions. Here's the procedure (that should work for most Windows users): 1. Click Start, then Run. 2. Type "regedit"--without the quotes--and click "OK." 3. Browse through the menu tree to here: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SimonTatham\PuTTY\Sessions 4. Right-Click on the "Sessions" folder and click "Export." 5. Save the file (to your desktop?) as putty.reg: 6. Either copy the reg file to somewhere that you have perl installed or install perl on your PC. 7. Download the latest version of the script here: http://mikecathey.com/code/putty-to-midpssh/putty-to-midpssh.txt 8. Rename the script, changing the extension to .pl and making it executable (chmod +x filename) if your platform requres it. You may also have to adjust the path to perl on the first line. 9. Run the script like this: $ ./putty-to-midpssh.pl putty.reg > putty.txt 10. Upload the putty.txt to a website somewhere on the internet. 11. In MidpSSH, go to Sessions and press the Application key. 12. Select "Import" and type the URL to wherever you uploaded putty.txt. Note that it requires you to put http:// in the url. 13. Delete the file from the website you uploaded it to. 14. Smile.